- Gates open 8am
- Practice & Booking in 8:15 - 9:30
- Drivers Briefing 9:45
- Racing underway soon after drivers briefing
12 round championship spread over 6 events with 50% + 1 to count of championship rounds completed. Each event is split into two rounds of the championship. One round points based on qualifying position, second round based on final finishing position. Out of the total 12 rounds of the championship, 7 will count towards the end of series standings (Subject to completion of rounds). Prizes will be awarded at the end of the season for the top three in each championship, assuming those people have done enough rounds to qualify.
Race Format:
- All races to be 5 minute duration (plus an allowance for the last lap).
- Starts will be as per BRCA 10th off road rules. Staggered starts for qualifying rounds, and staggered grid starts for finals.
- Three round of qualifying plus three legged finals for all drivers attending the meeting (weather and time permitting, if 2 rounds of qualifying are completed then these rounds will count towards the series, if less than 2 rounds completed the required number of rounds for the series will be reduced).
- Round by round qualifying to be used (2 rounds to count).
General Rules:
- Motor - Brushed or brushless motors allowed either 540 or 550 size.
- Batteries - 7.2 volt MiMH or NiCd or 2 cell lipo maximum allowed. Lipo batteries to be charged in a Lipo charging sack.
- General Construction - car must be constructed / design not to cause personal injury. E.g. no sharp edges, enclosed gears, bumpers to be suitable material such as plastic or rubber.
Buggy Rules:
SCT Rules:
- Bumpers - SCT style front and rear bumpers must be fitted in lines with existing manufacturers trucks.
- Wheels and Tyres - Only specific 1/10th short course wheels and tyres allowed (2.2" outer bead and 3.0" inner bead). No converted 1/8th buggy wheels.
- Only commercially available tyres allowed.
- Body - Only 1/10th short course bodies allowed, with enclosed wheel arches, minimum cut outs and be a true representation of the full size vehicle. No add on spoilers / wings allowed.
- Rear Wings - No bolt on, after market or home-made rear spoilers / rear wings allowed. Manufacturer rear spoilers / rear wings moulded into the finished bodyshell are allowed.
Vintage rules:
- Vintage 2wd and 4wd buggies released between 1979 to 1998 only.
- Overall championship for 2wd and 4wd buggies (prizes for top three in each)
- Batteries as general rules above
- Motors as general rules above
- Any wheels and tyres (Maximum wheel size of 2.2")
- Re-release kits are fine providing they are a true representation of the original chassis. Re-releases that are not based on the original chassis are not permitted. Dt-02 chassised cars are not eligible as we feel these cars are not a true representation of the original car. If you have any questions on the eligibility of your chassis please contact us through the enquiries page.
Rally Car Rules:
- Any 1:10th Scale rally car
- Maximum width of 200mm
- Wheels and Tyres - Only scale saloon size 1/10th rally tyres and wheels allowed. No 1/10th buggy sized wheels.
- Only commercially available tyres allowed.
- Rally style bodyshells only
- No motor restrictions
Meeting Rules:
- All drivers are required to marshal the race following their own or to agree a substitute with race control.
- All marshals to be BRCA members.
- Marshals to remain at their posts until replaced
- All Marshals to wear a high visibility vest while on the track and must stay at their marshal points until it is is safe to enter the track.
- Timing will be with AMB RC3 equipment, personal transponders are recommended although handout transponders are available.
- It is the driver’s responsibility to securely fit the transponder to their car before the start of any race.( if it falls off during the race then your laps will not be manually counted.
- The driver is responsible for ensuring that the transponder functions with adequate signal strength. If the transponder malfunctions, competitors may have their laps recorded manually providing that:-
- The transponder starts the race clock for the heat or final.
- The Race Director is satisfied that the car was circulating during any missed laps. If the transponder does not record a finishing time, then the Race Director may award final lap(s) based on any recorded information available. This procedure will only be adopted once for each competitor in any individual event.